The Work Watch

For our program design project, my group will be creating something we will call the Work Watch. This idea came as some of our group members were experimenting with the time function in python. Someone in our group realized that this could be a good idea put to use as a program to help people work more efficiently.

The Work Watch is effectively a clock that runs as you are studying or doing some kind of work. However, it is good for mental health to take occasional breaks while you are working. It can also give you another boost of productivity. With the Work Watch, you can put in how long you are planning on working for and then listing some of your interests. The Watch will time you and tell you when it is time to take a short break and suggest some things you can do during the break to de-stress.

Certain Needs

We don’t know exactly all of our needs, but our ideas are based on internal clocks which we will build using lists of numbers and loops. We will simply allow the code to tell it to print activities when the clock hits a certain time.

User Preferences

-User can decide whether to show or not show the timer

-User can decide how long breaks should be beforehand

-User can decide how much work time goes between breaks

-This will take more work, but we could add a sound that plays when it is time to break/work if we have the time/resources.

College Board 6 Points

Program Purpose and Function

The purpose of this project is to help people get work done more healthy and efficiently. It is to be used in daily life to create a better personal work atmosphere that promotes good mental health

Data Abstraction

We will abstract data from lists of numbers and hobbies in order to set timers and provide break time activities which the user can do.

Managing Complexity

Each member has been assigned different roles for which they will manage different aspects of the project. That being said, we can still help each other and we are not strictly limited to our roles.

Procedural Abstraction

Our project will prompt the user for certain questions so we can determine how much time to give them before and during their break.

Algorithm Implementation

The project will use an internal timer which will use an algorithm to accurately run


We plan on testing for all possible errors and glitches which could happen before we determine that we are done with the project.