
I decided to make my quiz about basketball, and have the questions and answers go as follows:

  1. What year was basketball invented?
    A. 1642
    B. 1864
    C. 1891 (correct)
    D. 1492

  2. Which of these players is LeBron James?
    A. Picture of Michael Jordan
    B. Picture of LeBron James (correct)
    C. Picture of Tom Brady
    D. Picture of Giannis Antetokounmpo

  3. Which team won the championship in 2022?
    A. Phoenix Suns (+ logo)
    B. Boston Celtics (+ logo)
    C. Dallas Mavericks (+ logo)
    D. Golden State Warriors (+ logo) (correct)

  4. Who won the MVP in 2022?
    A. Luka Doncic
    B. LeBron James
    C. Stephen Curry
    D. Nikola Jokic (correct)

Each correct answer will take the user to the next question. Each wrong answer will take them to an incorrect screen and ask them to try again.


In order to make my game more original, I decided to have wrong answers take you to a wrong screen which would ask you try again, and have correct answers take you to a correct screen which could take you to the next question.

I also decided to have a screen towards the beginning which would ask the player for their name and welcome them to the quiz.

I tried to make the 4th question free response, where you could type in any answer and try to get the right one, and after some research was able to find the code to do that. However, the website did not seem to recognize one of the functions I was trying to run, and after changing some things I was not able to fix it. I decided to settle by creating a dropdown system with multiple options to still maintain some originality. After running into similar issues, I settled for traditional multiple choice.

I decided to also add a screen at the end which congratulated the player using the same name they entered at the beginning of the quiz and giving them the option to either play again or view my fastpages site.

Link to the quiz: