Submission 1

|Reporting Category|Student Score|College Board Score|Comments| |—|—|—|—| |Program Purpose and Function|0|1|Purpose of the program should be more specific and in depth. The functionality and input/output is good though.| |Data Abstraction|0|0|Data is abstracted for to assist the program, but the list shown is a one-element list.| |Managing Complexity|0|0|Does not show the list being called in the second code segment to manage complexity.| |Procedural Abstraction|1|0|The procedure listed is not necessary and is not called under certain circumstances. Just called by itself after being written making it meaningless| |Algorithm Implementation|0|1|The procedure does not use iteration and is not explained in enough detail.| |Testing|1|1|Shows conditions tested and the results from each call.|

Submission 2

|Reporting Category|Student Score|College Board Score|Comments| |—|—|—|—| |Program Purpose and Function|1|1|Program purpose, functionality, and input/output is described and explanations are thorough.| |Data Abstraction|1|1|Data collection shown is vital to program and makes it much more efficient. Explained in detail.| |Managing Complexity|1|1|The lists involved manage complexity, and student explains in detail how the code is used to manage complexity.| |Procedural Abstraction|1|1|The procedure is complicated and is called later in the code, making the code a lot less complicated and it makes more sense.| |Algorithm Implementation|1|1|Algorithm uses sequencing, selection, and iteration and is used in very thorough detail.| |Testing|1|1|Shows conditions tested as well as the results of each call.|

Submission 3

|Reporting Category|Student Score|College Board Score|Comments| |—|—|—|—| |Program Purpose and Function|1|1|Program purpose, functionality, and input/output are accurate and described in detail.| |Data Abstraction|1|0|Student identifies the list and how it is contributing to the functionality of the program.| |Managing Complexity|1|0|Explained in thorough detail how the code would be much more complicated and long without the use of the list.| |Procedural Abstraction|0|0|Procedure does not have any explicit parameters both when it is listed and called.| |Algorithm Implementation|0|0|Algorithm is not sufficiently explained in enough detail to the point where it could be recreated.| |Testing|1|0|Shows conditions being tested and the results yielded from each call.|

Submission 4

|Reporting Category|Student Score|College Board Score|Comments| |—|—|—|—| |Program Purpose and Function|1|1|Program purpose, functionality, and user input/output explained in detail.| |Data Abstraction|1|1|The list is multi element and is being used to fulfill the purpose of the program.| |Managing Complexity|1||1The segments of code make the code much less complicated and student effectively explains the necessity of the list.| |Procedural Abstraction|1|1|Procedure has multiple parameters and is essential to the functionality of the program.| |Algorithm Implementation|0|1|Not explained in enough detail that it could be recreated by somebody else reading the explanation.| |Testing|1|0|Shows conditions being tested and the results from each call.|


It can be hard to tell what fits the criteria and what doesn’t. When making my program I should make sure it clearly follows the criteria and not risking losing the point.