Submission 1

|Reporting Category|Student Score|College Board Score|Comments| |—|—|—|—| |Program Purpose and Function|0|0|Written responses are a bit vague and do not demonstrate strong understanding of the program purpose, functionality, and is not specific with the input and output.| |Data Abstraction|0|0|Shows to different lists and does not show how the data within the list is being used in the program. It just shows two different lists which are being used in the program| |Managing Complexity|0|0|Does not show how the lists are being used to manage complexity in the program. No code is shown which actually implements one of the lists.| |Procedural Abstraction|0|0|There is a procedure shown which is pretty complicated and it does show it being called. The main problem is that the student does not describe the procedure very well and does not effectively show how it contributes to the functionality of the program.| |Algorithm Implementation|0|0|The algorithm uses sequencing, selection, and iteration, but is not described in enough detail to where someone else could recreate it.| |Testing|1|1|Describes conditions which are being tested and identifies results.|

Submission 2

|Reporting Category|Student Score|College Board Score|Comments| |—|—|—|—| |Program Purpose and Function|1|1|Video and written response demonstrate understanding of the purpose, functionality, and input/outputs involved in the program. Answers very specific to the program and relate to the video.| |Data Abstraction|1|1|Shows the generation of the list and how it is implemented in the program. Also makes sure to point out that the list is referred to by a different name in the function to avoid confusion.| |Managing Complexity|1|1|The list involved definitely manages complexity, and makes the program a lot simpler than it would’ve been without the use of the particular list. Describes how the program manages complexity well.| |Procedural Abstraction|1|1|Shows a procedure used in the program and also shows where it is being called. The student does a great job describing how the specific procedure contributes to the program and its functionality.| |Algorithm Implementation|1|1|Algorithm uses the required elements of sequencing, selection, and iteration and it is explained where used.| |Testing|1|1|Calls and conditions tested are shown as well as the results which were yielded.|

Submission 3

|Reporting Category|Student Score|College Board Score|Comments| |—|—|—|—| |Program Purpose and Function|1|0|Student effectively describes the purpose, functionality, and input/output of the program, and reflects what is shown in the video.| |Data Abstraction|0|1|The two segments of code aren’t directly connected and it does not show the data from the first segment being used in the second segment.| |Managing Complexity|1|1|Functions from both of the segment seem to be essential to program and definitely make the code less complicated. Explains thoroughly how the program manages complexity.| |Procedural Abstraction|1|1|Shows developed procedure (findWinner) and where in the program it gets called. Procedure has multiple parameters. Student effectively describes how program adds to functionality of the program.| |Algorithm Implementation|1|1|Algorithm uses sequencing, selection, and iteration, and it is explained in enough detail that someone could recreate it.| |Testing|1|1|Describes calls, conditions tested, and results of each call.|

Submission 4

|Reporting Category|Student Score|College Board Score|Comments| |—|—|—|—| |Program Purpose and Function|1|1|Purpose is described (to test critical thinking skills) which is different than functionality. The functionality and user inputs and outputs are then described in sufficient detail.| |Data Abstraction|1|0|Shows how list (guesses) is developed and where it is called in the program. Provides explanation as well which describes the list and how it is used in the program.| |Managing Complexity|1|0|Provides explanation for how guesses is used in the program and how it is able to manage complexity| |Procedural Abstraction|1||1Shows the developed procedure (checkanswer) and when it was called. Also describes how it is able to contribute to the overall functionality of the program.| |Algorithm Implementation|1|1|Algorithm uses all three of sequencing, selection, and iteration, and is described in a lot of detail to the extent that someone can.| |Testing|1|0|Shows calls, conditions, and results.|


I did grade a little different than CB, especially in the last submission. I don’t always how nit-picky the collegeboard grading can be sometimes, and how many things they take into account. In my CBT, I will need to reflect on the mistakes some of these people made, and make sure to hit the marks they missed, especially in the written portion.