Submission 1

|Reporting Category|Student Score|College Board Score|Comments| |—|—|—|—| |Program Purpose and Function|1|0|I gave this student a point because video demonstrated inputting the side lengths of the triangle and it showed output and functionality with the return of the trigonometric values. The written section also specifically described the purpose, functionality, and input/output of the video| |Data Abstraction|1|1|The student earned a point in this row because the written section showed one code segment of a list with multiple elements and the second showed those elements being used in the program. It also identified variable names and described its purpose in the program| |Managing Complexity|0|0|The list the student mentioned does not actually manage complexity in the program and does not really make a difference in the work which has to be done.| |Procedural Abstraction|1|1|The procedure uses multiple parameters, is called later in the program, and has functionality essential to the program.| |Algorithm Implementation|1|1|Explained the procedure in a lot of detail and how it works and it uses sequencing, selection, and iteration| |Testing|1|1|Describes the conditions tested by each call and shows results|

Submission 2

|Reporting Category|Student Score|College Board Score|Comments| |—|—|—|—| |Program Purpose and Function|1|1|Video and written response clearly showed input and output as well of the functionality of the program. Video clearly demonstrates the full functionality of program| |Data Abstraction|1|1|Explains what lists were used in program and how they are implemented as well as their functionality in the program| |Managing Complexity|1|1|Creates a long procedure which is recalled many times. Defining this segment of code clearly saved the student a lot of time and simplified the code a lot.| |Procedural Abstraction|1|1|Procedure is recalled multiple times and uses multiple parameters| |Algorithm Implementation|1|1|Algorithm uses sequencing, selection, and iteration and explains how it works| |Testing|1|1|Describes the testing of each call|


The main thing I noticed is that you need everything just to get one point. Doing almost everything in one category is rewarded the same as doing nothing in said category. I need to make sure when I do the performance task that I hit all the points listed in the rubric if I want to get a good grade