In APCSP I was able to learn basically everything I know about computer science now. Having almost no prior knowledge, I was able to learn the basics and beyond. This included being able to navigate the terminal, learning how to use tools like Github and VSCode. I also learned how to learn the basics of Python, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML to create functioning applications and websites. I was also able to learn how to use AWS to deploy a web application to the internet. Looking back, I would be very impressed with all of the knowledge I have now because I remember being intimidated by the most basic of tasks.

My high of computer science was being able to collaborate with others and make new friends, oftentimes many I was not expecting to initially connect with. Creating some impressive programs by collaborating with others taught me a lot of how to work with a team and how to bring ideas together to create something amazing. My low was having to lead a team second trimester through a lot of hardship we encountered with our project. That also was one of my highs in a way, because it brought us closer together and I ended making some friendships from the experience.

As far as my future with CompSci goes, I haven’t decided what exactly I will study in college, but I have been considering doing something in the realm of CS. I think those skills will become more useful in the future and even if I don’t directly do something related to computer science it is still likely that I will do something relating to it and I will apply the skills which I learned in this class.

In the future, I will be going on my mission to the Marshall Islands/Kiribati Mission and then attend BYU. After that, I’m not quite sure but I still have a lot of time to figure out what I will do.

Thank you Mr. Mort for helping us all to learn how to become better code code coders.
