
Questions Answered Incorrectly

Question 7

This question was in reference to a call management system and comparing new and upgraded systems. I said both I and III were needed by the upgraded system, but only I was needed, because even though the upgraded system did collect the customer’s phone number, it was not needed to direct a call to the appropriate destination.

Question 43

This was a silly mistake, I got str1 and str2 mixed up. I didn’t realize that str2 went into proc1, which resulted in the “to you happy” rather than “birthday happy”.

Question 50

I got one right and one wrong, as algorithm D is more efficient than algorithm B. I don’t know exactly what went through my head here and what exactly went wrong. I think I just got them mixed up.


I did end up having to look up and research some questions regarding internet security as I did not know or study a lot in that topic. It doesn’t seem too hard though and I was able to get questions right based on the small amount of knowledge I had on it.

The rest of the questions, for the most part I remember from previous lessons and discussions, and was able to find the correct answer if I read and considered what the question was asking.