My Experience

When I first arrived at the school, I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect or how many people would be there. As I walked into the computer science classroom, I was shocked by the crowds and how many people were inside.

This was a pleasant surprise because if I’m being honest I did not think that many people would be interested in computer science. It was really fun to present our project to strangers who were passing through as well as other students, some who were involved in CS and others who weren’t. It was also really fun to see the programs that other CS students created and it really showcased the talent we have at this school.

Other Classrooms

After meeting with Mr. Mortensen and showing him our project, I decided to visit some of the other classrooms to see what they had to offer. Just outside this classroom, I saw a table which had maps on it to direct visitors where the different art classes were.

I decided to visit the ceramics room because I have several friends who are in that class and I wanted to see what they created. I was actually impressed by the things which they created because I hear stories about that class and it sounds like they spend most of their time messing around, but they actually showed effort on their pieces.

One thing I noticed, however, was that a lot more people were in the CS classroom as compared to the other art rooms. Although I did come late to the Night at the Museum, I was genuinely surprised about how CS seemed to be the main attraction, at least when I was there. I must say that I wasn’t expecting that, and I was glad to see all our hard work being recognized.