def word_hint(hint):
    print("Can you guess the word?")
    print("Hint:" + hint)
    msg = input()
    return msg

print("Welcome to the word guessing game called 'Can You Guess the Word?'!")
print("Press enter to continue:"+"\n")

rsp = word_hint("It starts with the letter p and is a common language used in coding.")
if rsp == "python":
        print ("Correct! Nicely done!")
    print("Wrong! The answer we were looking for was 'python'.")

print("On to the next word..."+"\n")

rsp = word_hint("The word starts with a p and is very common function used in python.")
if rsp == "print":
    print("Wow! Amazing! Great answer!")
    print("Oh no! That was wrong! The answer we were looking for was 'print'.")

print("This next word will be the last one! Finish strong!"+"\n")

rsp = word_hint("A common greeting that starts with an H and ends with an O.")
if rsp == "hello":
    print("That is right! Great job!")
    print("That was wrong! You can do better than that!")

print("Thank you for playing Can You Guess the Word! We will catch you on the flippity-flip!")
Welcome to the word guessing game called 'Can You Guess the Word?'!
Press enter to continue:

Can you guess the word?
Hint:It starts with the letter p and is a common language used in coding.
Correct! Nicely done!
On to the next word...

Can you guess the word?
Hint:The word starts with a p and is very common function used in python.
Wow! Amazing! Great answer!
This next word will be the last one! Finish strong!

Can you guess the word?
Hint:A common greeting that starts with an H and ends with an O.
That was wrong! You can do better than that!
Thank you for playing Can You Guess the Word! We will catch you on the flippity-flip!